How to Convince Your Wife to Let You Buy an ATV

It’s no secret that ATVs rock and just about every guy wants one. However getting your wife to see the vision is pretty difficult at times. Any good family discussion needs to focus on just that – “family”. ATVs are a great way to spend time together as a family. ATVs are a link to dozens of great outdoor activities like camping, hunting, fishing, trail riding and afternoon spins. Below I will point out a few ways riding ATVs make these activities even better.

Camping is a great way to connect with the wilderness and an ATV is the perfect way you can do that as a family. You can jump on the quad together and spend the day cruising the trails talking and enjoying the wilderness. Hunting and fishing are both great ways to bond and discover new places. Your ATV will help you do this more efficiently.

Trail riding is one of our favorite ways to spend the weekend. After a few trips my wife is really starting to enjoy driving as well. Since she is new to the state it’s been an awesome way to show her the surrounding wilderness. We chat and let the family dog join us by running behind.

Afternoon spins are one of the best ways to spend an afternoon with the kids after work, giving your wife a break from the kids. It’s a win win for both of you. ATVs can also be a huge help in the yard. Our yard needs some serious help and my quad is really helping me handle the loads of work. I’ve never met a wife who doesn’t want her husband to spend more time in the yard or playing with the kids. An ATV is a great way to do all of these things in a way that you will love as well.

Buy used: spending $8,000 dollars on your first quad is going to be a very tough sell. However finding the guy who is selling his quad after only riding it a few times is a great way to save money and get an awesome machine. Let the first owner take the depreciation drop.

Most importantly make sure it’s not just going to be another way to leave your wife for the weekend with the guys. Teach her how to drive and make the types of trips that she will enjoy and save the hardcore rides for your trips with friends. I grew up riding my whole life and now it’s becoming one if my wife’s favorite things to do. The sell has been long but we will be riders for life.

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