Do new cars need brake fluid replaced every 5,000 miles?

Q: I have a 2020 Nissan Rogue. The first time I took it in for an oil adjust, the support office said I should really change the brake fluid. I’m from the older technology and recall changing the fluid only if you changed a brake portion and needed to insert fluid.

Do new cars definitely need brake fluid changed each and every 5,000 miles?

A: Thoroughly clean brake fluid is essential to a modern-day Ab muscles brake process. Nissan, Subaru and some other makers recommend brake fluid substitution every 30,000 miles.

At AAA, our engineering group has carried out some assessments and recommends a 30,000-mile replacement owing to moisture contamination.

If you are transforming the oil in your Nissan every 5,000 miles, changing the brake fluid at the sixth oil adjust would make feeling. 

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